Angelspeakers was born out of the need for more people to recognize and acknowledge the important role that Spirit plays in our lives. We are spirit. We are all one and our wonderful angels are powerful guides who help us in myriads of ways. They give inspirational and uplifting messages to us constantly. We need only be open to receiving, which is what Teri Miller has done and has brought forth many enlightening messages, including founding this network. Angelspeakers' mission is to reach out to those who need a light shining in their darkness. We are all about educating on angels, energy healing, peace, love and harmony. We are a network of Angelspeakers, those whose mission is to spread this message of love, light and peace to our world.

Teri Angel (Miller) is the founder of Angelspeakers and welcomes you to contact her at teri@angelspeakers.com
Teri Angel Miller is the founder of TIME Heals, a channeled energy healing modality with angels and a collective of ascended masters. Teri is also an Angelic Reiki healer as well as Usui Reiki Level, Karuna Ki Reiki, and Quantum Touch.
Teri will bring you intuitive messages from spirit, listening to her spirit guides and angels for clarity and foresight.
Teri is also a Certified Happiness Coach and spiritual mentor, guiding you through the process of peeling away layers to uncover the happiness and joy inside.
Teri is an International Best Seller on Amazon as author of Midnight Calls With the Angels as well as co-author of Gateway To An Enlightened World: Collective Life Lessons To Support Planetary Transformation. She is also the author of The Tiny Book of Angel Messages, The Doctor Said What?, TIME Heals, Hugz~Love: My Five-Month Journey From Cocoon to Butterfly, Changes: Life Changes When You Do, Gratitude Vase, and TIME Heals Animals: Love Revolution with co-author Karen Palmer.
Teri is the Peace Ambassador for the State of Florida and is part of the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative where the goal is to create a master action plan for world peace. Use the hashtag #IChoosePeace in social media to show your support of World Peace!
Teri can be reached through her website http://www.angelspeakers.com or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Tazzie321, on Twitter @GratitudeGrl, and on Instagram as GratitudeGrl.
Teri currently is on a peace pilgrimage through the USA. You can follow the journey here and support it through contributions of prayer as well as financial support by becoming a Patron Her vision is to see world peace happen in her current lifetime.