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Choose your pricing plan

  • Healing package

    Every month
    Monthly check-in
    Valid for 6 months
    • TIME Heals
  • Bus Coaching package

    Every month
    Business coaching 4 sessions
    Valid for 3 months+ 2 day free trial
    • 4 sessions, flexible scheduling over 3 months
  • 6-Mth Bus Coaching

    Every month
    Work with me for 6 months one-on-one business coaching
    Valid for 6 months+ 2 day free trial
    • Weekly check-in meetings via phone or Zoom
    • Initial consultation to define areas to explore together
    • Monthly progress evaluation
  • Coaching pymt plan

    Every month
    Work with me for 6 months one-on-one to create a shift
    Valid for 6 months+ 2 day free trial
    • Initial consultation
    • Monthly progress check in
  • 6-Mth Life Coaching

    One-on-one sessions 3x/month for 6 months life coaching
    Valid for 6 months
    • Spiritual Counseling

© 2013 by Angelspeakers.  Reprint only with permission and author acknowledgement

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