“All is miracle. The stupendous order of nature, the revolution of a hundred million of worlds around a million of suns, the activity of light, the life of animals, all are grand and perpetual miracles.” ― Volatire
Five days ago I started an affirmation challenge for myself and invited anyone who wanted to join in. One of my three affirmations that I say now is “miracles happen to me every day.” It has made me more aware of the presence of miracles in my life. Yesterday as I was typing the title of the daily blog, I typed the word “extraordinary” and a picture of my dear friend Tina popped up on my screen. She was an amazing photographer and her business name was “Extraordinary Photography.” It was a melancholy moment for me to see her smiling face but I couldn’t help but smile as I remembered her beautiful soul. I miss her tremendously. Today, I received another miracle. Since my arrival here last week, I have been visited by one sandhill crane every day until 3 days ago. I knew they were nesting nearby and during that time, one of the parents stays with the nest while the other goes out for food. Not seeing either one for a few days had me concerned and I expressed this out loud with a prayer that all was well and I would get to see them again soon and hopefully get a glimpse of their baby as I had never seen a sandhill crane colt (baby). I say daily that everything happens in Divine time. As I walked through the house toward the kitchen, I glanced out back. It was just at that (Divine) moment that the family of sandhill cranes walked into the yard. Yes, mom, dad and two colts all came to show me their beautiful family!! I screamed in excitement and grabbed my phone to capture the moment. They did not disappoint as they came close enough for me to capture photos and video. I felt like a proud grandma!
Dear Angels, it is exciting to witness the miracle of life. The joy I felt was indescribable just watching this family interact with each other - the little ones mimicking their parents in digging for food and the obvious pride that was exhibited in the adults. The owners of the house I am watching have been feeding these birds for years and it seemed that there was something karmic happening with them bringing their little ones to show us and have us join in their celebration. The joy inside comes from celebrating the win. Not every egg hatches and not all babies survive, so when life thrives it is a miracle. Wouldn’t it be great if we humans could unconditionally celebrate the wins of each other when miracles happen?
Dear Ones, in the holy scriptures you are taught to “Encourage each other and build each other up” and “Rejoice with those who rejoice.” When miracles unfold, they are not just gifts for one—they are blessings for all. Each answered prayer, each moment of divine grace, ripples through the fabric of existence, lifting not only the one who receives but all who bear witness. We invite you to celebrate these sacred moments without hesitation or condition. Rejoice in the victories of your brothers and sisters as if they were your own, for in truth, they are. When love flows freely, when healing arrives, when abundance is bestowed—let your heart expand in gratitude, knowing that divine favor is limitless and ever-flowing. There is no scarcity in miracles, no measure by which one is more deserving than another. The light that shines upon one soul does not diminish the radiance available to you. Instead, it illuminates the path for all to see what is possible in faith, trust, and love.
Angels Whisper: Do not let envy or comparison dim your joy. Do not hold back your celebration for another’s breakthrough. Instead, dance in their joy, sing in their triumph, and bless their moment as if it were your own. In doing so, you open yourself to receive, for what you honor in another, you invite into your own life. Rejoice, Dear Ones! Love unconditionally, celebrate endlessly, and know that in the great symphony of the Divine, every victory is a shared note of harmony, lifting the world closer to its highest light.
Today, I promise to continue to observe the miracles in my life and celebrate each one as my own.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is an International Peace Ambassador and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. www.angelspeakers.com
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