Day 5 Of My 10-Day Challenge ~ #Blessings!

November 26, 2019 ~ Day 5
Life is about contrasts, ups and downs, laughter and sadness, dark and light. To say that today was a different experience than day 4 is an understatement. Today, it seemed the universe was conspiring to hand me gifts on a silver platter. I have been trying to change my parking space where I live for years and was told a couple of months ago that it would happen. Today it finally did. The blessings kept adding up through the day. Our beautiful anthology that we launched last week is in print and I received my printed copy today. I got my laundry done in record time and met an awesome couple whose conversation helped me not be bored while I waited. I booked a new client and did a couple of distance Angelic Reiki healings. I am truly blessed as I reflect on this day. I know every day comes with its own unique twists and turns. I know that if I start out with a positive mindset then I am more likely to see the good in each moment or at least look at it as either a lesson or a blessing.
As I meditated this morning I heard to change my words that I have been using from “Yes I can and yes I will” to “Yes I can and Yes I am.” It’s a little shift – just one word – but it makes it so much more powerful! It’s no longer projecting into the future. I was told that this experience of the 10-day challenge was all about learning to navigate the Now. I am seeing how important it is to shift in all ways and to be more aware of the story I am telling. “I will” is a story about not having achieved it yet, whatever ‘it’ may be. It’s a story of lack. “I am” is a statement that shows confidence and power and is enough all by itself. So yes I can (meaning I choose to do whatever I am guided toward) and yes I am.