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“From my experience when I was still hanging on to fear, ego, and addiction, hardship led me to retreat even further into those things. Once I began to see, oh so slowly, a way out of the fear, ego, and addiction (still a work in progress), I was able to look back on the hardship and love it for the lessons it gave me. Yet, while I was living those hardships, they were my identity. I know people who are still stuck in their hardships, firmly identifying themselves with those hardships, holding onto those hardships as if their lives depended on them. Perhaps a hardship does not make a person stronger until they have found their way through it?”  James M.


My friend offered the above answer to a question I had posed, which was, “Does hardship make a person stronger?” I don’t think any of us get out of this world without some level of hardship. The angels have told us that there is no comparison. A hardship is a hardship. Period. We all learn from whatever we encounter. Sometimes we look at one who has lost everything, and we compare their situation to someone who has a tummy ache, and we say, “Well, at least you didn’t lose everything like Joe did.” I have even had people who were complaining about something make similar statements when they learn of what others are going through. Suddenly, their situation seems tiny compared to a mother losing a child or someone being given days to live. As humans, we do this type of comparison on a regular basis without realizing what we are doing. We see the world as good versus bad, big versus small, and then our judgments of others reflect that. I have even made statements regarding how a bigger challenge gives us more extensive spiritual growth. Now I am calling myself out on this matter. It is time we wake up and see energy as energy – not little energy versus big energy. I already hear the groans of resistance to this thought and trust me, I have also resisted it until now. When someone would say to me, “Wow, you’ve been through so much in your life,” it only reinforced the ego way of thinking. It made me question why I went through all the things I endured. It would be so easy to go into victimhood when looking at life with that perspective.


Dear Angels, I honor your teaching and beautiful guidance in my life. Concepts are complex to change, especially when they have been a part of our thinking for most, if not all, of our lives. We find it harder to forgive someone who has committed what we label heinous crimes than someone who stole a candy bar.


Dear Ones, We understand the challenge of seeing things as equal and even seeing each other as equal. We are not encouraging you to throw out any form of judicial system in your world, as it is a necessity in society. We are inviting you to look at your own way of viewing how you judge others. Search your beliefs and concepts. Step away and be the observer of how you view others, without criticizing and only looking with eyes of love. Ask yourself why it is important for you to take on the role of judging. Is it the need to be right and to keep the right-wrong narrative going? You cannot change the world overnight, Dear Ones, but you can begin to make inroads into bringing more peace to yourself by releasing polarities. Instead of focusing narrowly on something that is upsetting to you in your world, broaden your awareness until you can see it globally. Start the healing process of your planet by healing what is within you first. To heal the divide on your planet, you must first go to the far reaches of the earth and then come together in a tighter circle of harmony and love, embracing all the differences and seeing only One.


Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste, y’all.


Today, I promise to go broader in my thinking of equality, judgment, and peace.


Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and motivational speaker. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. Teri is also the co-founder of the global movement and non-profit organization Ten Million For World Peace.


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