Laughter Is The Best Medicie

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. . . Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Today was a tough day in many ways but especially driving down the road in pouring rain. I am not a fan of driving on wet roads and especially when I can hardly see ahead of me on the roadway due to rain. When we left Mobile, Alabama this morning the sky was overcast but not yet rainy. That changed through the day as we progressed from Alabama through Mississippi and Louisiana and eventually into Texas. I found myself becoming more tired than normal due to the stress of traffic. Two particular happenings helped lighten the journey, however. I have an on-again, off-again relationship with the General, aka Waze. Today we weren’t speaking so I asked Siri to give us directions to El Paso so I could get Jean home. Siri’s response: “I don’t know where that is.” Poor Jean looked devastated at that remark as I proceeded to have a good belly laugh and poked fun at our dear AI friend who pretty much knows everything about everything. Just not the whereabouts of El Paso, Texas though obviously. The second event happened after the long harrowing drive, cold wet weather and walking to a restaurant for dinner in the rain (what were we thinking??) We got back to the room and discovered that our AC/heater had a mind of its own. The room was great – just freezing. We would turn up the heat and all of a sudden cold air was blasting out of the vent. Wait a minute – kinda like the weather in Florida, lol – and perhaps it would change. The hot/cold pattern continued but more cold than hot. Thus, we trekked down to the front desk to inform them of the situation. The hotel was pretty booked solid so it was difficult to find us a room with 2 beds so the answer was we got 2 rooms but only charged for one. Next we lugged my stuff upstairs to my new room. Nice king-sized bed just as we were promised, so we dropped off my luggage and headed back down to get Jean’s things. When we got upstairs, the room she was going into was a double room, not a king room. Dilemma! Do we say something to the poor lady at the front desk who was already frazzled or just let it be? Jean being her loving honest self shares the news with her and she was thrilled as there were people in need of a room. However, now we need to move my stuff into the double room so off we go to do that. Mission accomplished and keys returned to front desk. Back in the room I forgot that I had left my coat in the original freezer room. Back to the front desk I go for yet another key to open that door and retrieve my coat. Taking the key back, I promised we would not bother the sweet lady again tonight. Back to the newest room, we are settled in and decide we might try watching our show we had started on Netflix. No remote to be found. At this point, we looked at each other and I said “no, I promised we are NOT going to bother her again.” No Netflix tonight, sigh. The laughter from all the comedy of errors of the day rang in our ears as we turned in for the night. I thought “we truly are the new Thelma and Louise and this would make a great movie!”
Dear Angels, at times life can seem very heavy as we travel down our paths. When we have a moment of levity it seems to pull us back into perspective. Laughter truly is a gift and especially when things are not falling into place very easily. Thank you for the reminders to lighten up in our daily journey.
Dear Ones, you will find that as you incorporate laughter into your lives they will go so much smoother and wonderful as you go about your day or night. In everything you do look for the humor. Sometimes if you cannot find it, the universe will conspire to bring something to you that will accomplish the task. Allow the experiences in with joy and love and watch how it benefits you as your vibration soars higher and higher. Laugh, Dear Ones, as deeply and as often as you can. It is times like these that make the best memories.
Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.
Today, I promise to laugh more and keep my vibration as high as possible.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is the Peace Campaign Coordinator for We, The World and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace.
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