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eagle flying above water
Photo credit: Benjamin Ilchmann

“It never gets easier you just get better.”  ― Jordan Hoechlin


Life can often feel like an uphill climb, with moments where the path ahead seems daunting and overwhelming. We find ourselves asking, "When will it get easier?" But the truth is, it's not life that needs to change. It's us. We evolve, grow, and develop the strength to face life's challenges with more resilience. The struggles may remain, but we become better at navigating them. There is a truth and a wisdom in this quote that reminds us that progress is found not in the absence of difficulty but in our response to it. Earlier this year I went through a particularly difficult time in my life physically that challenged me to the very core of my being. I was unsure if I would even make it through. I remember having to remind myself every day, numerous times a day, that I was worthy. I worked hard to be more centered, more at peace, but it seemed like the challenges just kept coming. This situation tested my patience, faith, and emotional endurance. Every day felt like I was taking one step forward and two steps back. In those moments, I would ask my angels, “When will this end? When will it get easier?” They quietly reminded me that everything that happens in my lifetime is done in divine time and that is something you cannot rush, no matter how hard you try to how you wish for it. I felt the weight of the struggle, unsure if I had the strength to keep going. I closed my eyes and called upon Archangel Michael, who became my constant companion through it all. I was blessed to also have my earth angels who brought food and supplies to get me through this very rough time. None of this took away the challenge I was facing, but helped me to see that I was stronger than I realized. My friends encouraged me daily and Michael held me closely ensconced in his strong wings. His words sparked something in me. I realized that I had been waiting for life to change, for my situation to change, for my body to feel stronger, but it was I who needed to transform inwardly. Instead of focusing on how hard things were, I began focusing on how I was responding to them. I leaned into the discomfort, knowing that each trial was shaping me into a more resilient, compassionate version of myself. I worked on my mindset, practiced gratitude, and turned to my angels for guidance and support. I made it through that terrible experience with a renewed hope, knowing that on the other side of the challenge was a triumph that no one could hand to me. It had to be a solitary climb.


Dear Angels, thank you for always being there to help us, not by taking away our challenges but by guiding us through them. With your help we find the inner strength that we sometimes forget we have. Life might not get easier, but we do get better—more grounded, more resilient, and more attuned to our spiritual path.


Dear Ones, remember that it’s not about the ease of the journey, but about your growth along the way. If your challenge disappeared at the wave of a magic wand, the lesson would be incomplete. You will know when your life lesson is fully comprehended. You will find yourself proclaiming that you are done with it. You will be ready and willing to release the need to hold onto that crutch you were leaning on. In doing so, you may take that first wobbly step forward and perhaps even need to stop to rest but slowly you will climb. One step at a time, one breath at a time, one determined resolution to push yourself forward will soon give way to reaching that mountaintop. It is from this higher view that you can then look at the valley you were laying in. You can fully observe the extent of your progress and know that you have no need to return to that place again. The lesson is learned. The healing is complete. This takes place on all levels, Dear Ones. It is sometimes those emotional and mental challenges that seem to be more difficult to overcome than any physical challenge. We say to you that there is no measure of difficulty in your challenges just as there is no measure of difficulty in miracles. It is only in your thought process that you assign these values. We encourage you to look with an eagle-eyed perspective while on top of that mountain to understand this teaching. Observe the eagle who can soar high above the tallest trees and swoop down into the waters of the river with the same amount of exertion. Connect with the eagle inside of you and soar.


Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.


Today, I promise to fly like the eagle.


Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is the Peace Campaign Coordinator for We, The World and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace.


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