“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”
― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness
When there is no compassion, which is the tender embrace of empathy, then we are more prone to find ourselves in a world fraught with challenges and conflicts. Love and compassion are two virtues that stand like pillars of light, guiding us towards peace, healing, and unity. The art of forgiveness is so misunderstood. Compassion helps us to be gentle enough to let go and release the burdens of the past. Forgiveness is a beautiful gift we give ourselves. Its healing power is that it soothes the wounds of resentment and anger, freeing us from the chains of hurt and pain. When we forgive, we reclaim our power, choosing love over bitterness, and bringing a peace we could not otherwise have.
Dear Angels, as humans we seek harmony and balance in our lives and relationships. Pema Chodron says, “Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." It is this recognition of our shared humanity that bridges the gap between us, allowing us to see ourselves in others, and others in ourselves. Indeed, we are all mirrors of each other.
Dear Ones, you are making conscious choices every moment. You do not always stop and say, “let me be compassionate and forgiving.” However, your spirit will always lead you toward this as opposed to the egoic response of arguing and fighting. It is important to pay attention to your gut instincts. It is when you have held your emotions inside and let the steam keep building up that you will find yourself reacting in a way that is explosive and bitter. Holding on to past hurts, disappointments, and perceived wrongs only hurts and does not allow for healing. Forgiveness is about recognizing that life is messy and unpredictable and then being able to embrace each other as you are. You are all fallible human beings capable of messing up. Forgiving past wrongs is the key to reconciliation between friends, family members, spouses, neighbors, races, cultures, and nations, and can help end violence. Listen to your gut and make better choices.
Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste, y’all.
Today, I promise to forgive all past hurts and let them go with love.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and motivational speaker. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. Teri is also the co-founder of the global movement and non-profit organization Ten Million For World Peace.
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