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Memories Are Joy Parties

Pictures of life

Moments left behind

Scrolling through them all

A joy party in my mind.

If there is one thing this journey has taught me it is to stop and enjoy sunsets, sunrises, barren land and lush greenery, mountains and valleys but most of all the shared moments with those I meet along the way. There have been many times I have stopped my car on the side of a road or exited so that I can drink in the beauty. Sometimes a sign or name of a place jumps out and grabs me so that I will stop and check it out. Those have been special magic moments with deep lessons.

One such lesson was in the Berkshires. Mary Lou was an amazing host, along with her husband Barry who knew nothing about me and was probably wondering why his wife had invited a stranger to stay in their home. Ever the one to turn a stranger into a friend, I proceeded to hold conversations with him and find out what was important to him, which turned out to be family, specifically his elderly dad who he would meet up with regularly in Vermont. It was special being in their home but as we drove throughout the beautiful Bershires I saw such amazing beauty and energy. Several miracles happened there. Mary Lou took me to her church where she had worked many years. As we stood there, the priest suddenly appeared. Mary Lou had said it was rare that anyone came into the little side chapel where we were. The priest, seeing Mary Lou and myself, approached us and she told him about the mission of the Peace On Earth Tour and that we were going to do a land blessing in the area. She asked if he would bless us and our mission. And he did. When we went to the mountain to do the land blessing, there was fog covering the entire mountain. I was glad Mary Lou was driving as I prayed all the way up the mountain. Graceisis joined us and we still could barely see anything as we got out of our cars. We began walking, knowing in our hearts that we were supposed to be there. We prayed for the fog to lift so we could see to do the land blessing. We giggled like schoolgirls as we looked for an opening to walk into in search of the perfect place. When we saw the signs that always appear at land blessings (hearts, peace signs, etc), we decided to proceed. A hole was dug, the ceremony was held and captured on video as there was no wifi. As we looked around we could see perfectly. There was no fog where we were doing the land blessing. There was fog all around us in every direction but it was as though that very spot had been cleared just for us. We knew that God’s hand was holding open the veil of fog and it brought to mind the blessing of the priest on our mission. Angels, it is in times like this that we feel stronger in our faith. How can we keep that faith alive in moments where things do not work as perfectly (or so we think), when the mission of our life feels like an uphill battle and we are trudging it alone?

Dear Ones, yes indeed it is so easy for you to feel the presence of the Divine when you are in the flow and the puzzle pieces are falling into place. With nothing to complain about you can be more open to seeing the magic of each moment. When the fog appears and life’s highways become treacherous, answers seem to be hidden for you to uncover and pursue the correct steps to take, do they not? The fog you mention is a huge lesson in faith indeed. Had you turned back and delayed the timing of the ceremony, you would have missed the experience of watching the opening and clearing that only God could do. It was Divine inspiration that you continued up the path that led you to the miracle. In life, there may be times when it seems too dangerous to proceed with a plan. You think, maybe I should wait until the bad weather clears, or perhaps I will just go to a different place because I know it is safe there. Dear Ones, do you not realize that the safety is there no matter where you go? When you forget who you are and that you are walking a Divine path, that is when the potholes appear to throw you off track. Stay in your full trust and knowingness in your heart that you are safe. The world would have you believe otherwise. You may be warned about doing things and you forget for a moment who is in charge. Be in the world but not of the world. Listen to your higher consciousness for guidance, not those who may not have your best interest in mind. Fear is not your friend. Know with certainty that as you walk your Divine path you are not alone, the fog will lift to show you clearly where to place your steps and the right turns to make. Hold those mountaintop experiences in your memories and enjoy the party.

I will, Dear Angels, I most certainly love a good party!

Teri Angel is an angelspeaker – one who receives and delivers messages from the Divine. She is an author, teacher, peaceful warrior and creator of the movement Peas For Peace as part of the Peace On Earth Tour, a movement of loving our Mama Gaia. You can contact her at or visit the website for more information about how you can be involved in the movement and mission to bring in more peace, love and joy to our planet.

The recent Colorado fires left many residents there without homes, others without electricity. If you would like to contribute to our fundraiser for two residents affected by the fire, please click this link:

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Isabel Reis
Isabel Reis
Jan 16, 2022

I enjoyed this Divine Party! Absolutely Delightful! Thank you for sharing!🙏❤️🙏

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