
“I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content.” Abdu’l‑Bahá 1911 Paris Talks
You don’t have to look very hard to find beautiful inspirational messages about peace. We have great leaders who impact us by the depth, breath and impact of their teachings and their example, always encouraging us to do the same. Thich Nhat Hahn is one of the most amazing peaceful souls that exists on earth. His teachings include “why hold onto anger when life is so short?” He encourages us to find our aspirations, to go deeper in our conversations with loved ones and to actively participate in the changes we want to see happen in our world. When I heard the calling to embark on a peace journey, I remembered his messages, the simplicity of his teachings and the humbleness of his life. It is my desire to, as he says, “walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
I have met many such beautiful souls since I sat out on that rainy September day for parts unknown. Many have opened their doors and their hearts because they believe in the purpose of the Journey. They, too, want to “do” instead of merely speaking the words and I am so grateful as it has given me hope that peace really is happening and kindness is at the heart of it.
Angels, how do we put aside our fears that are such a big part of the world right now wherever we turn and step out on a collective journey of peace?
Dear Ones, indeed you will find in your world what you seek. Do you seek to prove how dangerous it is to live on the earth and be among others? Then indeed you will find that. You call it to you with your words, your thoughts and your behavior. Our encouragement to you is to seek what you want to find. The peacemakers hold a vision in their heart that they will find peace. That is why they are at home wherever they are. The world is not hostile and if you are seeing it that way, then please ask yourself why. Are you surrounding yourself with the naysayers and discontented ones who want only to create chaos and darkness? Who is telling you that you should be afraid? The more important question is why are you giving them your power by believing them? Indeed, Dear Ones, home is not a destination. It is a way of being. It is truly knowing how to take refuge within your own self. If you are at peace within, you will seek and find that peace wherever you go. Go home and empty out anything that is unlike love and light.
Angels, once again you have given me confirmation that the Journey is the destination. Thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.
Teri Angel is an angelspeaker – one who receives and delivers messages from the Divine. She is an author, teacher, peaceful warrior and creator of the movement Peas For Peace as part of the Peace On Earth Tour, a movement of loving our Mama Gaia. You can contact her at or visit the website for more information about how you can be involved in the movement and mission to bring in more peace, love and joy to our planet.
The recent Colorado fires left many residents there without homes, others without electricity. If you would like to contribute to our fundraiser for two residents affected by the fire, please click this link: