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Moose with large antlers lies hidden in tall, brown grasses of a foggy field, blending into the natural, muted landscape.

“It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot  


Occasionally life throws some irritating circumstances at you as it did today. It was little things that were kind of like gnats nipping away at my usually calm energy. Had it been one gnat, I think it would have been a different scenario. But no – it was a continuous onslaught. It started with audio difficulties during Morning Cuppa, then moved to coffee from a gas station that was too hot to drink until I was a half-hour into my drive. That was the beginning of the morning. The GPS told me to turn right and then immediately had me make a U-turn. I went on to struggle with the GPS the rest of the day. It went out and wouldn’t come back on for awhile and when it did, it wouldn’t connect to my car’s hands-free system, it had me going the wrong direction several more times. I said out loud – to an inanimate object – “what is wrong with you?” My mood did not improve until I arrived at my friend JoAnn’s wellness studio where an ionic foot bath was waiting for me. It seemed that all the toxins that were being pulled out of my body contained the grumpy irritated energy from my day. I literally felt the toxic energy being released. I had developed a terrible headache from the stress and by the end of the half-hour it was also released. The thought came to me that  life is not a straight path; it is a journey of twists, turns, and new beginnings. No matter how far we feel we’ve strayed from our aspirations, the possibility of rediscovery and reinvention always exists.


Dear Angels, it is difficult for us humans to have patience and persevere when we feel we are constantly fighting through the challenges of life and see no hope. We are so programmed to see the physical evidence of our desires so all the delays and roadblocks make it hard to stay in trust.


Dear Ones, every delay, every detour, has its purpose. Often, what seems like a setback is a redirection, leading us toward something greater. Think of life as a canvas. Every choice, every action adds a brushstroke. Sometimes, you paint over mistakes. Other times, you incorporate them into a masterpiece. What matters is not the time you begin but the commitment to create something meaningful. May this message ignite your heart: It is never too late. You are never too old, too stuck, or too far gone to take the first step toward becoming the person you were always meant to be. Your journey is sacred, and the best chapters are still ahead. So, breathe deeply. Begin anew. The world awaits the gift of your transformation. Stay the course, Dear Ones, and don’t give up one moment before the miracle. The psalmist encourages perseverance when he said, "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!"


Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.


Today, I promise to be strong and carry on.


Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is an International Peace Ambassador and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace.


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