“You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” — Brian Tracy
Researchers claim that most people lie up to three times every ten minutes. White lies are told to three specific groups of people—strangers, coworkers, or loved ones. We all tend to fib a little more than we're willing to admit. You disagree? When was the last time you said, “My phone died, and I had it on charge” or “I’m fine” or “I can’t make it today. I’m not feeling well” or “I’m working on it” or “I’ll call you later” or the infamous “Sorry, I didn’t realize how fast I was going.”
Dear Angels, sometimes we use an “excuse” as a means to not hurt someone or to get out of doing something we don’t want to do instead of being upfront and honest about it. I used to think it was harmless to do this until I realized that the person I was lying to was myself. It can be difficult at times to use our throat chakra to speak our truth and set boundaries.
Dear Ones, to be able to stand in your Divine authenticity, you must first know yourself. What are your values? What are your boundaries? If you don’t even know this, how can you be honest with others? You will find yourself making excuse after excuse until eventually you believe your own little white lies. Be willing to be vulnerable. You don’t always have to know everything and that’s okay. You will be more respected when you admit you don’t know an answer than when you try to fake it. Just be true to you. You will like that person much more than the one who always has to maneuver to get out of situations. Honesty and integrity are the way to live a life of inner peace.
Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste, y’all.
Today, I promise to stay in integrity and be true to myself.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and motivational speaker. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. Teri is also the co-founder of the global movement and non-profit organization Ten Million For World Peace.
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