“It isn’t the past which holds us back, it’s the future; and how we undermine it, today.” Dr. Victor Frankl
Dr. Victor Frankl is an Austrian psychologist who survived the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. He reminds me in his writings that if I’m not willing to believe that something is possible in the future, I might refuse to acknowledge the evidence and opportunities available to me today. I have been a little busy this week helping a family member through crisis after crisis in her life. When it seems that the walls have come crashing down around you, it is hard to see daylight because you are too busy dodging the debris. This is sometimes the reality of life for many. It is real and it is messy. We find ourselves reaching out for any inkling of hope on the horizon. And therein lies the problem. We want to escape those dark nights of the soul. We want to skip the part where it gets hard. Can we just fast forward to where we can breathe again? What if it’s our very vision of that future that holds us back—not because it’s too grand or impossible, but because of how we sabotage it today? An interesting phenomenon is happening right now in our country. If we take a pause and observe it from a neutral place, we will see many seeing a bright, prosperous and peaceful future – because they believe it. We will also see many who see nothing but darkness, gloom and doom – because they believe it. We stand at a unique juncture every moment we’re alive, constantly being offered a choice: to give life to our dreams or to let doubt choke them before they have a chance to breathe. Sometimes, without even realizing it, we cripple our future in the present through self-doubt, fear, or simply a lack of trust in ourselves. When Moses was leading his people to safety out of Egypt, they came to the Red Sea where many were afraid they were going to die at the hands of their enemy. Moses had no clue how they were going to cross the sea as they were on foot. He clearly heard God tell him to raise his hand and command the sea to part. A wind came up and a path was made for them to cross safely before the sea came back together. Our struggles are like the Red Sea. Sometimes those challenges are so daunting and we only see the way forward as impossible.
Dear Angels, many times we silence our inner callings, our very dreams, by telling ourselves, “Maybe someday, but I can’t do it now.” Sometimes we start to doubt that we will ever have a future or be happy or fulfilled. It is easier to dismiss our dreams than face the vulnerability that comes with reaching for them. We convince ourselves that the safe path is the wise choice, mistaking comfort for happiness. But in doing so, we unwittingly shut down the possibility of becoming who we truly are. We forget the teaching that says that we will see it when we believe it.
Dear Ones, today is the only time you actually possess. Every choice y oumake, every small step you take (or choose not to take), shapes your future. You have this beautiful opportunity to ask yourselves what you are doing today that will nurture your dreams and how you are honoring the possibilities that await you. The truth is that each day in small ways you either support or undermine the future you desire. When you act with courage, even in tiny increments, you invest in your potential. When you give into fear, self-doubt, or apathy, you sap the strength of your dreams before they even have a chance to grow. Choose to release the grip that fear has on your future by embracing your vision with raised hands and trusting that God will part the waters to make the path for you to travel. Don’t let the future you’ve been dreaming of slip through your fingers. The future holds everything your heart desires, but it depends on the courage you bring to this moment. Instead of letting doubts or imagined fears sabotage your vision, nurture it with positive thoughts, daily actions, and unwavering faith in what’s to come. Look forward—not with trepidation but with hope. For it’s not the past that holds you back. It’s only your hesitation to believe in the wonder that awaits, to let it unfold as you take one bold step after another, today.
Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.
Today, I promise to face my challenges with an upheld hand and let God open the path I can move forward on.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is the Peace Campaign Coordinator for We, The World and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. www.angelspeakers.com
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